Know Who You’re Voting For!
Election day this year is November 4th, and we think it’s tremendously important that every citizen has their voice heard. We wanted to take a break away from hair talk to help our Dolls make informed decisions at the polls this year.
First of all, the ultimate resource for all thinks election-related in Broward County is our local Supervisor of Elections. This department has a website here. Any information you need to successfully vote can be found here. Including:
- Different methods to vote, including absentee and military.
- How to assist at a polling location.
- Names and contact information of all of our elected officials, local and federal.
- Information on all candidates running in the current election.
- How to become a candidate yourself.

We hope you find this information useful as you choose our next group of elected officials this week. Remember, the most important thing you can do is BE HEARD.

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