Bad hair day fix with 3 products in 3 steps!
Listen, every woman I know has woken up before and wished they could just cut that mess that’s growing on their head. We call those days, bad hair days. No shade to my non-naturalistas BUT it seems to me that we naturals tend to have quite a few more bad hair days than others, no? I have my little arsenal of bad hair day fixes (wear a scarf, slick down my edges and put on a SLAP cap, a hat, or even wash my hair and start over). But yesterday I didn’t feel like doing any of those things. I had places to go and errands to run and you know what? I wanted to rock my natural! So I want to share with you all what I did to fix my bad hair day using just 3 products.
1. First off, my hair was DRY. There’s no point beating around the bush. My kinky hair needs some form of moisture on most days. I checked my product junkie stash and decided instead of just using plain old water, I would use my coconut water curl refresher. I sprayed it all throughout but mainly focused it on my roots and then massaged it through. I wanted those edges LAID!
2. Next, I attacked those edges I just mentioned. I applied DE Sleek edge control to them and smoothed it through with my fingers first and then used a soft boar bristle brush. We want our edges laid but we don’t want to lose them in the process…
3. Finally I grabbed a large headband and put my freshly moisturized hair in a puff and sealed all that goodness with a few spritz of an oil mist. Voila!
I guess I lied a little…in addition to the 3 products used, you do need a brush and a headband. But, that goes without saying for all naturalistas, right? Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Leave me a comment below or even what YOU do to fix your bad hair days!